Fees and Accounts
The Centre has two fee levels:
- Infants & Toddlers Fee for children under two: $5.20 per hour
- Children over Two: $5.00 per hour
Accounts for your child’s attendance are issued fortnightly and we expect that fees will be paid fortnightly and kept current. You can pay by cash, cheque or by internet/phone banking, our account details are on your invoice.
If you provide an email address on your child’s enrolment form then your fortnightly account will be emailed to you. If you do not have an email address then your invoice will be placed in your child’s communication pocket in the entrance way. Please see staff if you cannot locate your child’s communication pocket.
Winz Childcare Subsidy
There is a childcare subsidy available from Work & Income New Zealand available for those families who meet the criteria – however accounts remain the responsibility of the parents/caregiver.
You may get a Childcare Subsidy if you are:
- The main carer of a dependent child.
- A New Zealand citizen or permanent resident.
- You should also normally live in New Zealand and intend to stay here.
- It also depends on how much you and your spouse or partner earn.
The child must be:
- Under five years old (or under six years if you get a Child Disability Allowance for them).
- Attending an early childhood programme for three or more hours a week.
If you are claiming 20 hours Early Childhood Education you can’t get Childcare Subsidy for those hours.
This information is a guide only. You need to contact the local WINZ office to talk about your individual circumstances.
For further information go to: www.workandincome.govt.nz/individuals/a-z-benefits/childcare-subsidy.html or see staff
for a subsidy application form.
20 Hours Free
20 Hours free ECE is available to three and four year old children who are enrolled and attending the service (subject to availability of bookings). The maximum 20 hours ECE that can be claimed for each child is 6 hours per day, 20 hours per week across all services the child is enrolled in. Entrance in to this scheme requires the completion of a 20 Free attestation form that must be completed before the funding is claimed, it cannot be completed retrospectively. So if your child is three or four or about to turn three see the Administrator (Rachel) to get the paperwork filled out.
More info can be found here: http://parents.education.govt.nz/early-learning/early-childhood-education/20-hours-ece-2/